Manchester lands STEM grant
A National Science Foundation grant has enabled Manchester to launch the STEM Pathways Academy, whose first cohort has drawn academically gifted students from as far away as Virginia and Texas. Read more.
Muir Professor of Peace Studies named
Elton Skendaj, a native of Albania with a rich background in research and work with peace organizations, has been tabbed as Manchester’s first Gladdys Muir Professor of Peace Studies. Read more.
Homecoming is... coming
It’ll be a Gold Rush to end all gold rushes on the weekend of Oct. 13-14. Get in on the fun and catch up with friends and fellow alumni at Homecoming 2017. Read more about what’s on the docket.
Chicago, Chicago
Yes, for the second year in a row, Manchester alumni and friends are invited to join us on a bus trip to That Toddlin’ Town. And just in time for Christmas! The buses roll on Dec. 9. For more information on how to sign up, contact the Manchester alumni office at (888) 257-2586 or